Gaussian Blur (2020)

A visual investigation on the history of the noisy face

aug 23-28 2020 Culture Yard, Elsinore, DK
oct 6-9 2020 Østre Kapel, Sydhavn Teater, Copenhagen, DK
apr 10 2021 Godsbanen, Aarhus, DK
apr 9 2022 Irondale, Brooklyn, US

Endless streams of images of faces dominate social media in the form of selfies. Private tech companies harvest their users’ data through those same selfies. The state and police collect images of faces in databases to keep track of residents in cities and countries.

The image of the face is ubiquitous. In a society where image-manipulation, surveillance and facial recognition are everyday experiences, the image of the face has a tremendous power.

Through music, video, text and movement, the performance examines the technologies behind the image of the face, and asks: where do those technologies come from, and where are we headed?

Concept and staging: Magnus Pind
Performer: Amalie Bergstein
Music: Astrid Sonne & Villads Klint
Text: Marie Harm & Ronja Johansen
Producer: Katrine Balle
Production: Magnus Pind Studio

The performance is supported by Augustinus Foundation, the Danish Arts Foundation, Aarhus Kommune and Godsbanen.

DURATION: 40 min